
Saturday, April 2, 2011

living your moksha- week one

Moksha Yoga is hosting a studio-wide 7 week challenge starting April 4th.

This week's pillar of focus is "Be Healthy", offering vegetarianism as a means to reduce your footprint on the planet as well as living healthier overall. I am a vegetarian (I tried veganism for a few months this year but was too stressed and busy to stick with it, maybe one day again!) but I don't preach it or expect everyone is willing or wants to go veg. A cool option is meatless mondays (with different websites and initiatives worldwide):
It’s not about going vegetarian. (Though that is a great choice.)
It’s about healthy, sustainable eating. It’s about reducing greenhouse gas emissions. It’s about doing what we can to slow down global warming. And it starts with you.
This video shows the difference one day a week actually can make!

Even if you don't practice at a Moksha studio, I encourage you to check out the challenge and maybe even sign up for the weekly emails- the first one was so packed with information! Sign up and take your yoga off the mat here. next week: be accessible.

article and personal photos copyright of Callah at