
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

running stories

So, it's been a while since I blogged about my running journey - slash - (lack of) progress.
Tonight is the night! Everything is coming together. I took 5 weeks off during my teaching training since I did not have a single drop of energy left in me after 13-14 hour days, 6 days a week. Getting back into it has been slow, and I've been struggling to choose a race- I knew I wanted to complete one by the end of the year, but my time off and need to slowly ease back into it has been very daunting!

Every time I run I think how slow and horrible I am. To the point where I wrote about it on my facebook status like a minute ago. Then, immediately after I read an awesome blog post on the lulu website, about how the author creates this story in her head that she is such a bad runner. Well, that's all it took! After a solid month learning about the stories our ego creates, I've been dealing with one for weeks, months... heck, you could even argue years!

So, my new goal is to stop thinking negative thoughts when I'm running. Just be proud my body is able to do what it can and that I will cross the finish line eventually. And, I think I've finally chosen a race!

It's on October 24th. I asked my sister if she would come out to support me if I ran it alone. (That was one of my fears as well. She initially was going to run a half with me, but has been plagued with nasal issues, a surgery for her deviated septum etc. which is definitely cause for temporary lack of motivation to run). So, this is me, making myself accountable to someone. No more excuses on slacking on the long runs. (Luckily my schedule will be a little bit lighter soon to help make it a little bit easier to fit them in!)

What kind of stories do you create- about yoga, another physical activity, anything? Let's all agree to overcome them together!

article and personal photos copyright of Callah at